Versa Elements
We are a company specializing in the manufacture of research tools for scientists. Versa Elements aims to provide reliable and precise instruments that facilitate researchers’ work and enhance the quality of research outcomes.
Fostering science and innovation
Modular growth and treatment equipment
Flexible and customizable lab solutions designed to support the cultivation and treatment of various samples.
Customizable illumination spectrum and dynamic
Tailor your research environment with customizable illumination spectrum and dynamic lighting control.
Advanced data system
Leverage our advanced data system to seamlessly capture, analyze, and manage your research data.
Multi-condition and multi-stress experiments
Conduct comprehensive research with systems designed for multi-condition and multi-stress experiments.
Accurately analyze and measure physical and biochemical traits with our advanced phenotyping solutions.
Indoor farming research
Our collaboration focuses on improving plant growth and energy optimization in controlled environments using sensors, data analysis, and automation